Best Time to Visit Egypt 

Best Time to Visit Egypt

Egypt has consistently remained a sought-after travel destination, drawing tourists from across the globe not only in recent years but spanning several decades. The enchanting land of the Pharaohs has always been a captivating choice for travelers. According to data from Statista, from 2010 to 2020, Egypt welcomed an astounding influx of over 106 million tourists.

Yet, timing is crucial when planning a journey through this historic land. Every month reveals a unique facet of Egypt, from serene Nile cruises to bustling festivals. We recommend October to April as the best time to visit Egypt. Nonetheless, let’s explore our month-by-month guide to find the optimal moments to witness Egypt’s grandeur and maximize your adventure in this remarkable land.

October: The Ideal Start

October in Egypt marks the onset of fall, presenting the perfect blend of weather for avid travelers. Gone are the blistering temperatures of the summer, making way for cool evenings and comfortably warm days, which are idyllic for sightseeing and outdoor exploration.

Weather in October in Egypt

As the intense heat of the summer fades, October gifts Egypt with temperatures that are neither too cold nor overly hot. This balance in the climate ensures that visitors can meander through the country’s vast historical sites without breaking into an uncomfortable sweat or needing to frequently seek shade. The sun, while still generously bright, doesn’t bear down with the scorching intensity of the previous months.

Things to Do in October 

Explore the Pyramids of Giza without the scorching sun. The iconic Pyramids, standing as a testament to human ingenuity and the splendors of ancient civilization, can be thoroughly enjoyed in October.

The Best Time To Visit Egypt- October

Attend the Abu Simbel Sun Festival, where the sun illuminates the statues of Ramses II. On October 22, an astronomical miracle unfolds as the sun’s rays penetrate the temple to illuminate the statues of Ramses II, Ra-Horakhty, and Amun. This event draws both locals and tourists who gather to witness and celebrate the genius of ancient Egyptian architecture and its bond with celestial events.

Enjoy a serene felucca ride on the Nile. The Nile, the lifeblood of Egypt, takes on a special charm in the evenings of October. 

Places to Visit in October

Luxor Temple illuminated at night. Luxor, often referred to as the ‘world’s greatest open-air museum’, is a haven of ancient monuments. The Luxor Temple, with its grand columns and statues, is particularly magical when lit up at night, offering a dramatic view against the dark skies. The illumination emphasizes the intricate carvings and hieroglyphics, making it an ethereal experience.

Red Sea resorts like Sharm El Sheikh for diving. October’s pleasant weather also makes it a great time for those looking to explore underwater wonders. Sharm El Sheikh, a jewel of the Red Sea, boasts of pristine beaches and vibrant coral reefs. It’s a diver’s paradise, with clear waters that provide an unparalleled view of marine life.

November in Egypt

Is November the best time to visit Egypt? Let’s see what you can do in November in Egypt.

As the golden leaves of autumn cascade in other parts of the world, Egypt basks in the mild warmth of November, presenting an ambiance that is both pleasant and tranquil. This month, the country becomes even more enticing, with fewer crowds post the October rush, offering a more intimate experience of its wonders.

Weather in Egypt in November 

Mild and pleasant, with less crowd than October. November heralds the perfect equilibrium in Egypt’s weather. The temperatures are mild, avoiding the extremes of sweltering summers or chilly winters. This makes it easier for tourists to wander outdoors for extended periods, truly absorbing the essence of the places they visit. The sun casts a gentle glow, and the skies are often a clear, vivid blue, making it picture-perfect for photography enthusiasts.

Things to Do

Cruise down the Nile River. If the Nile enchanted you with its evening charm in October, November offers the perfect chance for a more extended rendezvous. Cruising down this iconic river, one gets to witness the pulse of Egypt, from ancient temples that appear on the banks to the daily life of the locals. Sunset views, with the sky painted in hues of orange and pink, are especially breathtaking.

Explore the Siwa Oasis and its unique culture. Tucked away in Egypt’s Western Desert, Siwa Oasis is a slice of paradise that offers a contrast to the typical sand and monuments imagery of Egypt. Verdant palm trees, freshwater springs, and ancient mud-brick fortresses characterize this oasis. It’s a cultural treasure trove, with the indigenous Siwi people preserving their unique traditions and way of life.

Go deep-sea diving in the Red Sea. While the Red Sea is a year-round diving haven, November’s calm waters make it especially suitable for diving. Marvel at the kaleidoscopic coral reefs, swim alongside a multitude of marine species, and perhaps even discover an underwater shipwreck.

Places to Visit in November

Valley of the Kings in Luxor. The best time to visit Valley of the Kings in Luxor is November. This ancient burial site is a necropolis for pharaohs and nobles from the New Kingdom of Egypt. With fewer crowds in November, visitors can take their time exploring the tombs, some of which are adorned with intricate frescoes that narrate tales of the past.

Valley of the Kings in Luxor

Alexandria’s historic sights, like the Catacombs and Qaitbay Citadel. The Mediterranean city of Alexandria, founded by Alexander the Great, is steeped in history. The Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa, an ancient burial site with a mix of Egyptian and Roman art, is an underground marvel. Meanwhile, the Qaitbay Citadel stands as a sentinel on the seafront, a 15th-century defensive fortress that offers panoramic views of the Mediterranean.


December, with its gentle embrace of winter, positions Egypt in a unique light. The land, often associated with scorching deserts and sun-kissed pyramids, unveils a cooler facet, making it a delightful period for travelers seeking both cultural immersion and outdoor exploration.


The weather in December is cooler but still sunny. It might be perfect for outdoor adventures. December introduces Egypt to slightly cooler days, but the sun remains a faithful companion, ensuring that the ambiance remains vibrant and lively. The mild weather conditions, contrasting the hot summer months, allow for extended outdoor activities without the risk of overheating, while the cooler evenings are ideal for strolls along the Nile or cozying up in a local café.

Things to Do

December might be the best time to Celebrate the Moulid of Al-Hussein, a religious festival in Cairo. If you visit Egypt in December you should go to celebrate the Moulid of Al-Hussein festival. This religious celebration, honoring the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, is marked by Sufi dances, traditional songs, and stalls laden with sweet delicacies. Participating in or observing the festivities offers a unique insight into Egypt’s spiritual heart.

Discover the temples and tombs at Aswan. Aswan, with its serene landscapes along the Nile and its wealth of ancient relics, is a haven for history enthusiasts. Explore the Temple of Isis, the High Dam, and the granite quarries where the famed Unfinished Obelisk lies.

Beach relaxation at Marsa Alam. While December might sound unconventional for a beach visit, Marsa Alam, with its pristine beaches and relatively warmer Red Sea waters, is a perfect retreat. Dive, snorkel, or simply lounge on the sandy shores, soaking in the winter sun.

Places to Visit

Khan El Khalili Bazaar in Cairo for Christmas shopping. December sees many global visitors in search of unique Christmas gifts, and what better place than Khan El Khalili? This historical market, with its maze of alleys, offers everything from intricate jewelry and handcrafted leather goods to aromatic spices and souvenirs. The festive spirit, coupled with the allure of ancient architecture, makes shopping here a truly magical experience.

Philae Temple in Aswan. Perched on an island in the reservoir of the Aswan Low Dam, the Philae Temple is a monument to ancient beliefs. Dedicated to the goddess Isis, the temple complex is a marvel of carved columns, courtyards, and chambers. A visit here, especially during December’s mild climate, is akin to stepping back in time, surrounded by narratives of gods and pharaohs.

Philae Temple- Aswan


As the new year dawns, Egypt, steeped in millennia of history, invites travelers to experience its winter wonderland. While January situates itself at the heart of winter, Egypt’s version is mild, especially when paralleled with the bone-chilling temperatures of European winters. This month becomes a trove of experiences, intertwining both adventure and deep-rooted traditions.


The heart of winter but still relatively warm compared to European countries. January’s climate in Egypt is a refreshing break from its typical desert heat. With temperatures cooler than any other month, it retains a warmth that is comfortable and inviting, especially during the daytime. Nights can be cooler, often requiring a light jacket or wrap, but it’s this coolness that accentuates the beauty of Egyptian nights under starlit skies.

Things to Do

Camel trekking in the desert. The desert’s allure is undeniable, more so in the mildness of January. Embarking on a camel trek not only introduces visitors to the vast golden landscapes but also to the Bedouin way of life. The rhythmic sway of the camel, coupled with the vast expanse of the desert, is a meditative experience.

Visit the Coptic Christmas celebrations on January 7th. While most of the world has wrapped up its Christmas celebrations, Egypt’s Coptic Christian community is just getting started. January 7th marks their Christmas, and the country resonates with spiritual fervor. Churches are adorned with lights and filled with hymns, and traditional dishes, especially the ‘fata’, become a staple in every Coptic household.

January can be the best time to Take a hot air balloon ride over Luxor. Luxor, often dubbed as the world’s greatest open-air museum, presents a whole new perspective when viewed from the sky. As dawn breaks, hop onto a hot air balloon, and as you ascend, witness the sun casting its first golden rays upon the temples, the Nile, and the Valley of the Kings. It’s an ethereal experience that etches itself into one’s memory.

Places to Visit

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo. January, with its pleasant weather, is an ideal time to explore indoor treasures. And there’s no better place than the Egyptian Museum. Home to the world’s most extensive collection of pharaonic antiquities, it houses the golden treasures of Tutankhamun, statues of great pharaohs, and a myriad of artifacts that tell tales of a civilization gone by.

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo

St. Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai. Nestled at the foot of Mount Sinai, this UNESCO World Heritage site is one of the world’s oldest working Christian monasteries. With its thick stone walls, it’s a repository of Christian history, housing ancient manuscripts, icons, and the Burning Bush. The surrounding rugged landscapes add to its mystical charm.


As February unfolds, Egypt begins its gentle transition from the heart of winter, with days growing perceptibly warmer, yet the evenings retain their cool embrace. This month stands as a testament to the myriad of experiences Egypt offers, from adrenaline-packed desert races to serene sails on the ancient Nile.


Slightly warmer but still cool nights. February brings with it an invigorating warmth, making days ideal for exploration. The sun, always Egypt’s loyal companion, shines brighter, infusing the surroundings with a golden hue. However, as dusk falls, the temperatures mellow down, ensuring evenings remain pleasant and cool, ideal for tranquil reflections by the Nile or desert campfires.

Things to Do

Attend the International Camel Race in Sinai. One of the most exhilarating events, the International Camel Race, is a spectacle that brings together tribes from all across the Sinai Peninsula. The rhythmic galloping of camels against the backdrop of desert landscapes is not just a race, but a cultural phenomenon, infused with traditional music, dance, and Bedouin festivities.

Experience the Sahara Desert on a multi-day tour. The vastness of the Sahara beckons adventurers, and February’s temperate climate makes it the perfect time for a multi-day expedition. Traversing the dunes, camping under the stars, and waking up to ethereal sunrises becomes an unforgettable journey of discovery.

Sail on the Nile from Aswan to Luxor: The Nile, Egypt’s lifeline, offers a leisurely escape from the rush of daily life. Embarking on a sail, whether on a traditional felucca or a luxurious dahabiya, from Aswan to Luxor, is a voyage through time. Glide past ancient temples, bustling villages, and verdant banks, all while basking in the February sun.

Places to Visit

The White Desert with its otherworldly landscapes. Located in the Farafra depression, the White Desert is like stepping into a dream. Characterized by its chalk-rock formations that resemble surreal sculptures, ranging from mushrooms to icebergs, this desert landscape under the February sun appears even more magical. As night falls, the desert transforms into a celestial observatory with the Milky Way painting the sky.

Ancient Memphis and its ruins. Once a flourishing capital of ancient Egypt, today, Memphis stands as an open-air museum. This UNESCO World Heritage site, with its colossal statue of Ramesses II and the Sphinx of Alabaster, whispers tales of its glorious past. The cooler February climate allows visitors to wander amidst these ruins, contemplating the ebb and flow of time. So the best time to visit this amazing historic open-air museum is February.


March in Egypt heralds the arrival of spring, a time when the landscapes transform, revealing a colorful mosaic of wildflowers against the golden desert canvas. As nature rejuvenates, so does the spirit of the country. Ancient traditions come alive, the waters of the Red Sea beckon with promises of marine wonders, and timeless monuments invite exploration.


Spring begins, with wildflowers in the desert. The advent of spring in March is a visual treat in Egypt. The desert, which is usually perceived as barren, surprises with carpets of wildflowers, creating a delightful contrast. The weather is pleasantly warm, making it perfect for daytime explorations and the cool breezes of the evening hint at the remnants of winter.

Things to Do

Dive in the Red Sea to catch glimpses of hammerhead sharks. The Red Sea, renowned for its biodiversity, is a diver’s paradise. March is a special month when the chances of spotting the elusive hammerhead sharks increase. Diving into the crystal-clear waters, you’ll be surrounded by vibrant coral reefs, colorful fish, and, if lucky, the majestic hammerhead.

Attend the Shem Al Nessim, the Egyptian Spring Festival. Attend the Shem Al Nessim, the Egyptian Spring Festival: Dating back to Pharaonic times, Shem Al Nessim, which translates to “smelling the breeze”, is a celebration of spring. Families gather for picnics, traditional dishes like salted fish, lettuce, and onions are enjoyed, and children delight in painting eggs. It’s a day where modernity and ancient customs intertwine.

Explore the Dendera Temple complex. Situated to the north of Luxor, the Dendera Temple is dedicated to the goddess Hathor. The temple, with its grand entrance, intricate carvings, and celestial zodiacs, stands as a testament to ancient Egyptian architectural and astronomical prowess.

Places to Visit

The Step Pyramid at Saqqara. As the world’s oldest monumental stone structure, the Step Pyramid at Saqqara is a must-visit. Designed by the ancient architect Imhotep for Pharaoh Djoser, this pyramid with its layered design set the precedent for the classic smooth-sided pyramids. The surrounding funerary complex, with its ancient inscriptions, offers insights into the burial rituals and beliefs of the time.

The Step Pyramid at Saqqara

Wander around Islamic Cairo. Wander around Islamic Cairo: A labyrinth of narrow alleys, historic mosques, bustling bazaars, and traditional teahouses, Islamic Cairo is a journey through time. Explore the Citadel, marvel at the architectural brilliance of the Sultan Hassan Mosque, and lose yourself in the vibrant stalls of Khan El Khalili. Each turn whispers stories of empires, traders, and travelers from epochs gone by.


April in Egypt straddles the line between the pleasant spring and the impending heat of summer. As the temperatures begin their upward climb, the country pulsates with energy, from the gusts of desert winds to the historical commemorations and nature’s resplendent showcases.


Warming up, with occasional sandstorms. With the progression of April, the sun regains its fervor, casting a warm glow upon the Egyptian landscapes. However, travelers should be prepared for the sporadic khamsin – sandstorms that originate from the vast Sahara and sweep across the land. These winds, although a spectacle, require some caution and adaptability in travel plans.

Things to Do

Experience the Sinai Liberation Day events on April 25. This national holiday commemorates the withdrawal of Israeli military forces from the Sinai Peninsula in 1982. Across the region, especially in towns and cities like Sharm El Sheikh, parades, military displays, and festive events bring the nation together in remembrance and celebration.

Birdwatch in the Nile Delta Region: As migratory patterns shift with the seasons, April becomes the best time for birdwatching in the Nile Delta. The wetlands and lakes attract a plethora of bird species, from flamingos to kingfishers, making it a haven for ornithologists and nature enthusiasts.

Explore the Temples at Kom Ombo and Edfu: These temples, standing by the Nile, are relics of the Ptolemaic period. Kom Ombo, unique for its dual dedication to the gods Sobek and Horus, showcases intricate reliefs, while Edfu’s Temple of Horus is one of Egypt’s most well-preserved monuments, echoing tales of age-old myths and rituals.

Temples at Kom Ombo and Edfu

Places to Visit

The Red Sea Mountain Trail.  A relatively new addition to Egypt’s adventure tourism, this trail is the country’s first long-distance hiking route. Spanning over 170 km, it winds through the arid landscapes of the Red Sea Mountains, unveiling canyons, plateaus, and ancient routes once trodden by Bedouin tribes. It’s an immersive way to connect with the raw beauty of the land.

Ras Muhammad National Park. Ras Muhammad National Park: Positioned at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, this national park is where the desert meets the sea. Above water, the landscapes are rugged and dotted with mangroves. But below the surface, the coral reefs come alive with marine biodiversity, from colorful fishes to graceful corals, making it a favorite spot for divers and snorkelers.


As May graces Egypt, the anticipation of summer becomes tangible. The land, which has been a witness to millennia of history, feels the heat intensify, turning its coastal regions into sought-after havens. Yet, beyond the warmth, Egypt’s cultural mosaic, adrenaline-packed activities, and spiritual sanctuaries promise a month of exploration and immersion.


Hotter days but bearable in coastal areas. The ascent of May means the sun reigns supreme in the Egyptian sky. Days become notably hotter, especially inland, making early mornings and late afternoons the preferred times for exploration. However, coastal regions, kissed by the Mediterranean and the Red Sea breezes, offer a reprieve, maintaining a more temperate and bearable warmth.

Things to Do

Kite surf in El Gouna. Overlooking the Red Sea, El Gouna emerges as an adrenaline-junky’s paradise. The consistent winds, coupled with the azure waters, make it a premier destination for kite surfing. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newbie eager to learn, the kite surfing schools and vibrant community here ensure an unforgettable experience.

Wander the streets of Islamic Cairo. Even in the warmer climes of May, the charm of Islamic Cairo remains undiminished. Dive deep into its labyrinthine alleys, where every corner whispers tales from bygone eras. Sip on traditional tea, explore centuries-old mosques, and let the ambiance of this historic heart transport you back in time.

Visit the Nubian villages near Aswan. Nestled by the banks of the Nile, close to Aswan, the Nubian villages burst with color and life and the best time to visit them can be May. Engage with the warm and hospitable Nubian people, understand their rich traditions, and perhaps enjoy a meal in a traditional mudbrick house. The vibrant architecture and the backdrop of the Nile make it a serene experience.

the Nubian villages near Aswan

Places to Visit

The Hanging Church in Coptic Cairo. Officially known as Saint Virgin Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church, the Hanging Church is one of the oldest and most famous Christian places of worship in Egypt. Supported by Babylon Fortress’s old water gate, the church seems to ‘hang’ above the ground. Inside, the intricate wooden roof, resembling Noah’s Ark, and the rich history make it a spiritual sanctuary.

The Temple of Seti I in Abydos. The Temple of Seti I in Abydos: Situated in Upper Egypt, Abydos was once a pilgrimage site dedicated to Osiris, the god of the afterlife. The Temple of Seti I, with its detailed reliefs and inscriptions, stands as a testament to the architectural prowess of the New Kingdom pharaohs. Despite the heat of May, the temple’s cool stone walls and historical significance make it worth the visit.


June heralds the onset of summer in Egypt, a time when the sun paints the land in golden hues and asserts its dominance in the vast blue sky. With temperatures soaring, especially in the southern regions, this month calls for adaptability and a penchant for coastal escapades. Yet, even amidst the heat, Egypt’s vibrant festivals, underwater wonders, and historic marvels beckon.


Start of summer, very hot, especially in southern Egypt. June is undeniably hot, with the southern regions like Luxor and Aswan experiencing particularly intense temperatures. While the mid-day sun can be formidable, mornings and evenings provide a cooler window for explorations. The coastal areas of the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, however, offer breezy interludes to the summer heat, making them popular retreats during this month.

Things to Do

Snorkel in the Red Sea. Egypt’s Red Sea coast is a treasure trove of marine biodiversity. The crystal-clear waters, vibrant coral reefs, and diverse aquatic life offer snorkeling experiences that rival the world’s best. From the colorful clownfish to the majestic rays, every dive is a new adventure.

The best time to attend the Leylet en Nuktah festival is in June. This festival, also known as “Night of the Drop,” has its roots in ancient Egypt. Celebrated on June 17th, it marks the anticipated rise of the Nile, essential for the country’s agriculture. Folk music, dance, and traditional foods dominate the festivities, turning it into a joyous occasion.

Relax by the Mediterranean beaches in Alexandria. Relax by the Mediterranean Beaches in Alexandria: Alexandria, the Mediterranean jewel, provides a refreshing contrast to the inland heat. Its beaches, ranging from the lively to the tranquil, are perfect spots to sunbathe, swim, or simply enjoy the sea breeze.

Places to Visit

Qasr Qaroun in Fayoum. Located in the oasis of Fayoum, Qasr Qaroun is a Greco-Roman temple dedicated to the god Sobek. Its remote location and desert backdrop lend it an aura of mystique. The temple, with its blend of Egyptian and Greco-Roman architecture, offers a unique perspective on the cultural amalgamation of the times.

Montaza Palace in Alexandria. Montaza Palace in Alexandria: An architectural gem, the Montaza Palace complex boasts a blend of Turkish and Florentine styles. Built during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was the summer residence of the Egyptian royal family. Overlooking the Mediterranean, its gardens, promenades, and the historical ambiance make it a must-visit.

Montaza Palace in Alexandria


July blankets Egypt in its most fervent heat, casting shimmering mirages over the vast expanses of the desert and making the Nile glisten more brilliantly under the sun. While the inland might be sweltering, the coastlines promise a solace that is both refreshing and adventurous. From underwater relics to moonlit historical sites, Egypt in July is a journey of contrasts.


Peak summer. The zenith of summer in Egypt, July sees temperatures often soaring beyond comfort in many regions, particularly inland. However, the beach resorts along the Red Sea and the Mediterranean coast act as oases of coolness, drawing locals and tourists alike to their sun-kissed shores and azure waters.

Things to Do

Scuba diving to explore shipwrecks in the Red Sea. Beneath the waves of the Red Sea lie tales of maritime history, with shipwrecks waiting to be explored. Dive into this submerged world where nature meets history. The eerie beauty of sunken ships, now colonized by vibrant marine life, offers an unparalleled diving experience.

Night visits to the temples to avoid the heat. Night Visits to the Temples to Avoid the Heat: With the daytime sun being intense, many historical sites offer night visits. The experience of walking through ancient temples under the starry sky, with cool breezes as companions, brings a whole new dimension to the monuments. The play of lights and shadows, along with the silence of the night, makes for a mystical journey into the past.

Enjoy seaside cafes in Dahab. Dahab, with its bohemian charm, is the perfect place to relax and unwind. Its seaside cafes, offering a mix of traditional and international cuisines, are where time seems to pause. Sipping on a cool beverage, with the Red Sea lapping at the shores, one can truly embrace the slower rhythms of coastal life.

Places to Visit

Marsa Matruh on the Mediterranean coast. This coastal town, with its pristine beaches and turquoise waters, is a slice of paradise, and the best time to visit is in July. Known for its calm bays and white sands, Marsa Matruh offers a tranquil escape from the summer heat. Roman ruins and World War II memorials add layers of history to its natural allure.

Coral reefs of Hurghada. Hurghada is not just about its vibrant nightlife and resorts; it’s a gateway to some of the world’s most enchanting coral reefs. Snorkelers and divers can immerse themselves in underwater gardens where corals of all shapes and colors thrive, and fish dance in harmonious patterns.


The embrace of August in Egypt is one of profound warmth, with the sun reigning supreme from the vast Sahara to the sprawling Nile Delta. However, this is also a time when coastal breezes play their calming tune and oases turn into verdant dreams amidst the golden sands. Whether it’s diving into Cleopatra’s legendary pool or witnessing the age-old traditions of date harvesting, August unfolds as a month of deep-rooted traditions, natural wonders, and serene retreats.


August remains one of the hottest months in Egypt, with daytime temperatures in the inland regions often being particularly high. However, the coastal stretches along the Mediterranean and the Red Sea offer a slight respite with their cooling breezes and temperate climates, making them favored destinations during this period.

Things to Do

Attend the traditional Date Harvest Festival. An event that celebrates one of Egypt’s most cherished fruits, the Date Harvest Festival is a vibrant and cultural spectacle. Experience the age-old traditions as locals gather to harvest and celebrate the bounty of date palms. Festivities often include music, dance, and of course, a plethora of date-based delicacies.

Swim with dolphins in the Red Sea. The clear waters of the Red Sea are home to playful dolphins, and several spots offer the incredible opportunity to swim alongside these gentle creatures. Their grace, playful antics, and the sheer magic of being close to them in their natural habitat are an experience to cherish. The best time to remark on this experience is in August.

Explore the Bahariya Oasis. Nestled amidst the Western Desert, the Bahariya Oasis is a haven of palm groves, fresh springs, and ancient ruins. A journey here is a chance to witness the desert come alive in shades of green and to delve into the history and culture of the oasis dwellers.

Explore the Bahariya Oasis

Places to Visit

Cleopatra’s Pool in Siwa Oasis. Legend has it that Queen Cleopatra herself once swam in this natural spring in the heart of Siwa Oasis. Enclosed by palm trees and ancient stone walls, the spring-fed pool provides a refreshing dip, especially welcome in the August heat. It’s not just about the swim, but the ambiance and the legends that make it special.

The Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa in Alexandria. Delve into the depths of history by exploring the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa. Regarded as one of the Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages, this multi-level necropolis blends Roman, Greek, and Egyptian architectural styles. Its intricate carvings, statues, and the aura of ancient mysteries make it a must-visit.


As Egypt tiptoes into September, the intense heat of summer begins to yield to the caress of the approaching fall. The desert, having bore the summer sun, now takes on a more inviting hue, and the bustling cities find themselves drenched in the golden glow of early evening sunsets. Whether it’s gliding down sun-kissed dunes, celebrating contemporary cinema, or strolling through gardens overlooking historic minarets, September in Egypt offers a rich palette of experiences.


Warm with cooler evenings. September marks a transitional phase in Egypt’s climate. While the days remain warm, there’s a discernible softening in the heat, especially as the month progresses. The evenings turn cooler, making nighttime excursions and outdoor dinners increasingly pleasant.

Things to Do

Sandboarding in the Great Sand Sea. Stretching between western Egypt and eastern Libya, the Great Sand Sea houses some of the world’s most spectacular sand dunes. For thrill-seekers, sandboarding down these vast, shifting mountains of sand presents an exhilarating experience. Feel the wind rush past as you glide down, with nothing but a sea of gold in every direction.

Attend the El Gouna Film Festival. Held in the luxurious resort town of El Gouna, this film festival has quickly gained repute in the cinematic world. Not only does it showcase a mix of regional and international films, but it also provides a platform for dialogue, education, and innovation in the realm of cinema. The red carpet event, set against the backdrop of the Red Sea, adds a touch of glamour to September’s calendar.

Visit the Al-Azhar Park in Cairo. An oasis of green amidst the hustle and bustle of Cairo, Al-Azhar Park offers panoramic views of the city, including the famed Salah El-Din Citadel. Its meticulously manicured gardens, interspersed with fountains and historic structures, make it a perfect spot for relaxation and leisurely strolls.

Places to Visit

The Coloured Canyon in Sinai. Nature’s artwork in all its splendor, the Coloured Canyon in Sinai is a labyrinth of rock formations painted in a medley of hues. The shades of red, yellow, and ochre combined with the deep shadows and bright sunlight play tricks on the eyes, creating an otherworldly landscape that feels like walking through a living canvas.

The Temple of Horus in Edfu. One of the best-preserved temples in Egypt, the Temple of Horus stands as a testament to the architectural prowess and religious fervor of the ancient Egyptians. Dedicated to Horus, the falcon-headed god, the temple’s walls are adorned with intricate carvings detailing legends, rituals, and daily life from a time long past.

The Temple of Horus in Edfu

Final Thoughts on When to Visit Egypt

From the balmy breezes of October to the warm embrace of September, each month in Egypt presents a unique tapestry of experiences. While winter offers milder temperatures ideal for temple-hopping and delving deep into its historical heart, the summer beckons with azure waters and vibrant coastal escapades. Spring unveils a blossoming desert, while fall provides cinematic allure and adventure on dunes.

But perhaps the real magic lies not in choosing the ‘perfect’ month but in recognizing that Egypt, with its millennia-old stories, mesmerizing landscapes, and warm-hearted locals, is a destination that transcends seasons. It beckons with a promise: every visit, irrespective of the calendar’s page, will etch memories that are as timeless as the Pyramids themselves. So, when is the best time to visit Egypt? We recommend it to go from October to April. But, as we see in this article each month of the year has something awesome to offer in Egypt.

Keep in mind that things to do and places to visit every month are just our recommendation. You can do and visit what you want in the month you choose. 

Check here for our Complete Packing Guide for Egypt!

Safe travels! See you in Egypt!

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