Your Complete Packing Guide for Egypt

Packing Guide for Egypt

Egypt, with its ancient pyramids, bustling bazaars, and serene beaches, offers an unparalleled travel experience that takes you through millennia of history and diverse landscapes. Whether you’re setting your sights on the majestic Giza Pyramids, planning a peaceful retreat by the Red Sea, or diving into the lively streets of Cairo, ensuring you’re aptly prepared can make all the difference. Your Complete Packing Guide for Egypt is designed to equip modern adventurers like you with the essentials, allowing you to navigate this mesmerizing land with confidence, respect, and ease. Dive in to discover a curated checklist tailored for the Land of the Pharaohs and ensure your journey is as seamless as the timeless Nile River.

According to Statista, here are some of the essential items that most people typically pack when they travel. However, in our list, we take it a step further by including other important items.

Statistic: What are the essentials that you won’t leave home without? | Statista
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The allure of Egypt lies not just in its ancient monuments but also in its diverse landscapes and vibrant culture. From the historic wonders of the Pyramids to the tranquility of the Red Sea, each destination demands its unique attire. Packing for Egypt is both an art and a science, and being precise about your clothing choices ensures comfort, respect for local customs, and, of course, style.

Here is a short video on how to dress when visiting Egypt:

Seasonal Packing for Egypt

Winter (December – February)

While daytime remains relatively warm, nights can get chilly. Pack a mix of light clothing, with a few warmer layers like sweaters and jackets, especially if you’re venturing into the desert or not.

Spring (March-May) and Autumn (September – November) 

These are transitional seasons. A balanced mix of lightweight clothing with a couple of warmer layers is recommended. During this time, it’s advisable to pack a blend of light clothes for the daytime and medium layers like cardigans or light jackets for the cooler evenings. If you’re planning to visit areas with higher altitudes or the desert, it might get considerably cooler, so ensure you have enough warm clothing.

Summer (June – August)

This season can be scorchingly hot, especially in southern regions like Luxor and Aswan. Light-colored, breathable clothes, hats, and sunblock are indispensable. In seaside destinations, summer wear is appropriate, but always keep modesty in mind when away from the beach.

Personal Items

Your journey to Egypt is sure to be filled with grandeur and memories, echoing millennia of history. While the vast landscapes and ancient monuments await, it’s crucial to ensure that personal essentials accompany you. These are not just about convenience; they’re a passport (quite literally) to a smooth and comfortable experience.

Passport, Visa, and Travel Documents 

Your passport is the single most vital document you’ll carry. Ensure it has at least six months of validity from your return date.

Passport, Visa, and Travel Documents 


Depending on your nationality, you might need a visa. Some are available on arrival, while others need to be procured in advance. Or you can apply for an Egypt visa online. Always keep a few photocopies of these documents handy in different bags.

Travel Insurance Information

Anything can happen while traveling, from minor inconveniences to significant mishaps.

Having all your travel insurance details easily accessible ensures peace of mind. Make sure you have both digital and physical copies.

Personal Hygiene Items 

While most hotels will provide basic amenities, having your personal favorites can make all the difference in feeling fresh and at ease.

In this Packing Guide for Egypt, we need to mention to pack travel-sized versions of your toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, and any other items you use daily.

Feminine Hygiene Products

These are essential for women travelers. While urban areas in Egypt have a range of products, specific brands or types might be harder to find.

Pack enough for the duration of your trip, especially if you have brand preferences or specific needs.

In essence, while the grandeur of Egypt will envelop you in its magic, these personal items ensure that you’re always ready and at ease. Preparing with attention to these details means that once you’re there, all your energy can be spent soaking in the wonders of the Pharaohs’ land.

Health and Safety

Being equipped can ensure your journey remains both mesmerizing and hassle-free.


The Egyptian sun isn’t just bright; it’s powerful. Especially between the hours of 10 am to 4 pm, it can be particularly intense.

Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with high SPF, and make it a routine to reapply every few hours.

First Aid Kit

From minor scrapes to sudden headaches, having a basic first aid kit is a travel must. Include band-aids, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and perhaps some adhesive tape and gauze.

Hand Sanitizer

Whether after exploring bustling bazaars or before a meal, hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol) ensures your hands are germ-free.

Mosquito Repellent

Especially pertinent if you’re cruising the Nile or staying in areas near water, a good repellent can keep those pesky mosquitoes at bay and prevent potential mosquito-borne diseases.

Rehydration Salts or Electrolyte Tablets

Another essential thing that you need to add to your packing list is electrolyte tablets and rehydration salts. Egypt’s heat, combined with exploration, can cause rapid dehydration. These salts/tablets quickly replenish lost fluids and essential minerals, ensuring you remain energetic and healthy.

Travelers’ Diarrhea Medication

Changes in diet, water, or even the stress of travel can sometimes upset the stomach. It’s always wise to have medication on hand, so a minor inconvenience doesn’t turn into a major discomfort.

Water Purification

Pack a tablet. Quick and lightweight, they can purify water in a pinch. Also, a portable water filter is needed for those more adventurous or heading off the beaten track, a portable filter ensures access to safe drinking water.

Electronics and Gadgets

Electronics and Gadgets

As you traverse the echoing hallways of ancient tombs or capture the hues of a desert sunset, the right electronics and gadgets become more than just tools – they become an extension of your experiences. Egypt, with its blend of age-old wonders and modern vibrancy, offers countless moments worth capturing and sharing. Ensuring your tech arsenal is equipped and ready is paramount.

In this Packing Guide for Egypt, we need to mention that you need to pack all items below:

Power Adapter

Egypt’s sockets might sing a different tune than those in your homeland. Familiarize yourself with type C and F plugs. The nation runs on a standard voltage of 220 V. A universal travel adapter can be a lifesaver, ensuring your devices remain charged and ready.

Mobile Phone and Charger

Whether you’re navigating through Cairo’s bustling streets using GPS or making reservations at a Nile-side restaurant: Your mobile phone is an indispensable companion. Alongside the device, ensure you have a reliable charger. Consider getting a local SIM for better connectivity and data access.

Camera, Memory Cards, and Charger

From the colossal Pyramids of Giza to the intricate details of Luxor’s temples, there’s a photo op at almost every corner. An efficient camera, be it a DSLR or a compact one, captures these moments. Don’t forget ample memory cards, as you’ll find yourself snapping away. A charger (or even better, a backup battery) ensures you’re always shutter-ready.


Whether you’re drowning out sounds on a bustling train ride or tuning into an audio guide at a museum:

Quality headphones immerse you in your chosen audio. Wireless ones reduce hassle, but if they’re wired, ensure they’re compatible with your devices.

Portable Power Bank

In a land where adventures can stretch for hours on end, from dawn explorations to late-night bazaar visits. A portable power bank is a modern-day magic lamp that you need to pack for sure. With the ability to charge your devices on the go, you’re never left powerless.

Daypack or Small Backpack

Whether you’re embarking on a day trip to Saqqara or roaming the bylanes of Alexandria, a lightweight yet sturdy backpack becomes your trusted companion. It houses your essentials, keeps your hands free, and ensures your belongings are secure and accessible.

Reusable Water Bottle

Egypt’s sun has tales as old as the pyramids themselves. While it paints a golden hue on monuments, it can also be relentless. Stay hydrated with a reusable water bottle, lessening environmental impact and ensuring you always sip coolness.


While Egyptian cuisine is a delightful journey in itself, sometimes you might crave a familiar bite, or if you have specific dietary requirements, having your snacks becomes imperative. Think energy bars, nuts, or any non-perishable snack that can fuel your explorations.

Travel Pillow and Eye Mask

Journeys in Egypt can be long, be it a flight into the country or an overnight bus to a remote destination. A travel pillow offers neck support, and an eye mask ensures you get some shut-eye even when the world outside is bright.

Travel Guidebook and/or Map

While digital is the norm, there’s a unique charm (and reliability) in having a physical guidebook or map. Mark places, make notes and have a backup when the internet isn’t your ally.

Phrasebook or Translation App

“Shukran” (Thank you) or “Ma’assalama” (Goodbye) – the Arabic language is melodic and rich. While you might not master it overnight, a phrasebook or app ensures you can communicate the essentials, making your journey smoother and more immersive.

Notepad and Pen

Egypt evokes feelings, observations, and epiphanies. Maybe it’s a quote you hear, a detail you notice, or just a personal reflection – having a notepad ensures you capture the fleeting moments that make travel transformative.

Money and Security

Money and Security

When planning your Egyptian adventure, amid the dreams of golden pyramids and mesmerizing Nile sunsets, it’s essential to give due diligence to the practicalities of travel. In a land as ancient as time itself, ensuring your modern-day treasures are safe is paramount. Here’s a concise guide to ensure your journey through Egypt is as smooth as the Nile’s flow.

Egyptian Pounds

Every voyage starts with that initial step, and often, it’s a financial one. While Egypt welcomes modern banking, many locales, especially traditional markets and smaller towns, thrive on cash. Acquiring some Egyptian pounds upon arrival ensures you’re equipped for those initial expenditures, be it a cab ride or a refreshing glass of sugarcane juice. Make sure that you always have cash with you.

Credit/Debit Cards

Your cards open doors, quite literally, from hotel check-ins to unexpected finds in boutique stores. However, to ensure uninterrupted service:

  • Forewarn Your Bank: A sudden splurge in Cairo might raise flags in your home country. By notifying your bank of your travel itinerary, you ensure that your card remains active throughout your Egyptian sojourn.
  • Utilize ATMs Wisely: ATMs are plentiful, especially in urban areas. Opt for machines within bank premises or in well-trafficked, well-lit areas to ensure security.

Money Belt or Neck Pouch

Egypt’s charm often lies in its bustling streets and crowded bazaars. While these places are a delight for the senses, they can also be a hotspot for pickpockets. A money belt or neck pouch worn beneath your clothing acts as a discreet vault, safeguarding your most prized possessions—be it your passport, emergency cash, or travel documents.

Locks for Luggage

As you traverse from Cairo’s metropolis to the serenity of Aswan, your luggage holds your essentials. A simple lock acts as a deterrent, signaling to potential thieves that your belongings aren’t an easy target. Opting for TSA-approved locks is advisable as it allows for hassle-free security checks.

Activities-Specific Gear: (If you’re planning on specific activities)

This section of the Packing Guide for Egypt is tailored for those embarking on a particular adventure. It outlines essential items you should include in your packing list for this specific journey.

Snorkeling or Diving Gear

The Red Sea isn’t just a body of water; it’s a portal to an underwater realm. With coral gardens and marine life rivaling the colors of a pharaoh’s tomb, diving or snorkeling here is a must.

  • Gear Up: While many resorts and dive centers provide equipment, if you’re particular about fit and hygiene, carrying your own snorkel, mask, and fins can enhance the experience.

Hiking Boots and Gear

Beyond its sands and cities, Egypt surprises with its rugged trails, especially in the Sinai region.

  • Foot Forward: The terrain here can be challenging. Investing in a good pair of hiking boots ensures you tread with confidence. Additionally, consider lightweight moisture-wicking clothing, a sturdy backpack, and a hat to shield from the sun.


Egypt’s narrative isn’t just written in hieroglyphs but also in the flight patterns of its avian inhabitants. Places like Lake Nasser are a haven for birdwatchers.

  • Eagle-Eyed: A pair of binoculars becomes your lens to this feathery world, allowing you to witness the details of species that call Egypt home. Opt for a lightweight, durable pair with good magnification.

What to pack for visiting the most popular destinations and tourist locations: 

What to pack for your visit to The Pyramids & Cairo 

What to pack for your visit to The Pyramids & Cairo 

Clothing for Giza

Modest Clothing: While the Pyramids are a major tourist attraction, it’s still important to respect local norms. For a woman, it’s opt for long skirts or pants and tops with sleeves. A scarf might come in handy in certain situations, but covering the head isn’t mandatory here.

And for men, it is recommended to wear long pants and shirts with sleeves.

Always choose breathable fabrics: Given Egypt’s climate, lightweight materials like cotton or linen are ideal to keep you cool.

Footwear: Wear sturdy, comfortable walking shoes. The terrain around the Pyramids is sandy and uneven, so good footwear is crucial.

Clothing for Cairo

Modest Clothing: The sprawling city holds a mix of modernity and tradition.

Women: Consider dresses or skirts that reach the knee, pants, and tops that cover the shoulders. Having a scarf at hand is advantageous for religious sites or traditionally conservative areas.

Men: Long pants and shirts with sleeves should be your go-to. While Cairo is cosmopolitan, it’s wise to lean towards modesty.

What to pack for a Day Wear:

Comfort First: Given Cairo’s vastness, you’ll likely be walking a lot. Opt for breathable fabrics like cotton or linen. And for footwear choose supportive walking shoes. A pair of casual shoes or sandals might also be useful for less intensive days or evening outings.

For Evening Wear, you should pack: 

City Chic: Cairo’s nightlife, be it traditional cafes or upscale restaurants, requires a touch of elegance. Women can consider dresses or chic blouses and pants, while men can lean towards polos or button-downs paired with slacks.

Protection from the Elements

Hats and sunglasses are essentials. The Cairo sun, especially when reflecting off the city’s buildings, can be glaring. Shield yourself.

Sunscreen: Despite being in the city, you’ll need protection from UV rays during your explorations.

Light Jacket or Scarf: Cairo’s evenings, especially in winter, can be nippy. It’s always good to have something for a bit of warmth.

Backpack or Daypack

A small bag to carry essentials like water, snacks, a camera, and any personal items. However, be mindful of carrying too many valuables, and always watch your belongings.

Camera Gear: If you’re keen on photography, ensure you have a good camera, spare batteries, and memory cards. A protective bag or cover might be helpful against sand.

Cash- There are many vendors around the Pyramids selling souvenirs, water, or offering camel or horse rides. Having small denominations of Egyptian pounds can be handy.

Exploring Luxor and Nile

Wandering through Luxor and the Nile is akin to stepping into the pages of a living history book, with its majestic temples, intricate tombs, and whispers of ancient pharaohs. To optimize this time-traveling experience, let’s curate a packing list tailored to the wonders of Luxor and the splendors of Upper Egypt.

Exploring Luxor and Nile

Clothing for Luxor 

Modest Clothing: Luxor, despite being a tourist magnet, still respects age-old traditions.

Recommended for Women: Flowing dresses, long skirts, or pants paired with tops that cover the shoulders. A scarf might come in handy for impromptu visits to more conservative areas or religious sites.

Recommendations for men are long pants and shirts with sleeves, mirroring the modesty of the locale.

For daily exploring, always have breathable outfits and comfortable shoes. Evening Wear:

And for the evening choose a casual: While Luxor has its laid-back charm, evenings, especially in upscale restaurants or cultural events, might call for a slightly elevated look. Ladies can opt for elegant dresses or skirts, and men can choose from button-down shirts paired with chinos or slacks.

Day Wear for Cruising the Nile

Comfortable Walking Outfits: For excursions to archaeological sites. Think of breathable materials like cotton and linen. And for footwear pack comfortable shoes for exploring and sandals or flip flops for on-deck relaxation.

Evening Wear you should pack a dress or blouse with slacks, while men could pack a polo shirt or button-downs with trousers. Because some cruises have a more upscale dining setting in the evenings.

Some cruises have a themed evening where guests are encouraged to wear traditional Egyptian attire. A “galabeya” (traditional Egyptian dress) can often be purchased onboard or in local markets.

Evenings on the Nile can get breezy and slightly cooler, especially if you’re enjoying the view from the deck, pack a Light Jacket or Pashmina.

Swimwear: If your cruise ship has a pool or you plan to sunbathe on deck.

What type of protection do you need while exploring Luxor and Nile

Hats & Sunglasses: The sun over the ancient temples can be quite strong. Protecting your eyes and face is paramount.

Sunscreen: With the amount of outdoor exploration, a high SPF sunscreen is essential.

Light Shawl or Jacket: The desert climate means hot days but cooler evenings. A shawl or light jacket is ideal for after sunset.


Camel Ride Attire: If you’re planning on a camel ride, longer pants and closed shoes will keep you comfortable.

Formal Wear: Should you decide to attend a special event, opera, or dine in a more luxurious setting.

Luxor and Nile’s rich tapestry of history, offer a unique blend of awe-inspiring architecture and culture. As you embark on this journey, having the right attire ensures not just comfort but a deeper connection to the soul of this ancient land.

What to pack when journeying Through Alexandria

Perched along the Mediterranean coast, Alexandria weaves tales of ancient libraries, Greco-Roman relics, and serene beaches. Preparing for a trip to this legendary city means gearing up for both historical tours and seaside sojourns. Here’s your packing blueprint for Alexandria.

What to pack when journeying Through Alexandria

Clothing for Alexandria

Modest Clothing: The sea breeze brings a relaxed feel, but it’s still essential to be mindful of local norms. For women, it is recommended to pack a light dress that is knee-length or longer, pants, and tops that cover the soldiers. Keep a scarf handy for religious sites or more traditional neighborhoods.

For Men: While shorts are often acceptable given the coastal setting, it’s wise to have long pants and shirts with sleeves for specific venues or occasions.

For day exploring we always recommend packing light and breathable fabrics, and for footwear always comfortable shoes and flip-flops or sandals if you are going to the beaches. 

For the evenings Women might opt for flowy dresses or blouses with skirts, while men can go for casual shirts paired with neat trousers.

Protection from the Elements

It is the same as everywhere in Egypt. Hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen are essentials. 


  • Beach Essentials: If planning for a beach day, consider swimwear, a beach towel, and perhaps a book to read by the sea.
  • Historical Sites Kit: If you’re a history enthusiast, a small notebook, pen, and guidebook might enhance your archaeological explorations.

Alexandria, with its harmonious blend of ancient allure and coastal charm, is a destination that can capture any traveler’s heart. Dressing appropriately not only respects local culture but also ensures you comfortably savor every moment of this Alexandrian odyssey.

Unwinding in Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh

These twin jewels of the Red Sea are synonymous with pristine beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and lively nightlife. As paradises for both divers and sunbathers, packing for Hurghada and Sharm requires a blend of beach essentials and desert adventure gear. Dive into this packing list and ensure a memorable Red Sea retreat.

Unwinding in Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh

Clothing for Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh

  • Beachwear: Given the primary attraction is the Red Sea’s azure waters, swimsuits, cover-ups, and flip-flops are must-haves.
    • Women: Bikinis or one-pieces for the beach. Consider a modest cover-up for when you’re off the beach or around town.
    • Men: Swim shorts are standard, but also pack a few casual tees or polo shirts for non-beach activities.
  • Day Wear:
    • Desert Tours: If you’re venturing into the desert, lightweight and breathable long-sleeved shirts and pants are advisable to protect against the sun and occasional sand winds.
    • Footwear: Beyond flip-flops, bring along sturdy shoes or sandals for activities like quad biking or camel riding.
  • Evening Wear:
    • Seaside Glam: The nightlife, especially in Sharm, can be vibrant. Women might favor dresses or elegant tops with skirts, while men can opt for casual shirts with slacks.

Protection from the Elements

  • Hats, Sunglasses sunscreen, and a Light scarf might be useful against the occasional desert chill or to shield from sand.


  • Diving Gear: If you’re a diving enthusiast, you might want to bring your snorkel, mask, or even fins, though many places offer rentals.
  • Desert Essentials: Consider a small backpack for desert excursions and maybe a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated.

Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, with their sun-kissed beaches and mesmerizing underwater worlds, promise an escape like no other. Packing right is your first step to effortlessly merge with the rhythm of the Red Sea, letting its waves and tales envelop you.

What to pack for travel and camping in the Western Desert

What to pack for travel and camping in the Western Desert

Traveling and camping in the Western Desert requires specific packing to ensure safety, comfort, and a memorable experience. Here’s a brief guide on what to pack:

Clothing: For the daytime choose to pack lightweight, breathable clothing that covers your arms and legs to protect against the sun. 

At night the temperatures can drop significantly, so bring warmer layers, such as thermal tops, fleece jackets, and beanies.

A wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and a scarf or shawl to protect against both sun and sand.

Footwear: You will need sturdy, comfortable hiking boots for exploring, and Sandals or flip-flops for lounging at the campsite.

Shelter & Bedding: A tent with good groundsheet and stakes suitable for sandy terrain. Sleeping bag rated for desert temperatures. An inflatable mattress or sleeping pad for insulation against the cold ground.

Protection is a must in the Western Desert. Always have high-SPF sunscreen, lip balm with sunblock, and a personal first aid kit, and do not forget insect repellent. 

Hydration & Nutrition: Carry at least 2-3 liters of water per person per day. Consider a hydration pack or large refillable bottles. Non-perishable food items like energy bars, dried fruits, nuts, and canned goods. A portable camping stove and lightweight cooking utensils, if planning to cook.

Navigation & Communication: A detailed map of the region. A compass or GPS device. A fully charged satellite phone or a mobile with good reception in desert areas.

Miscellaneous: A compact, lightweight backpack for day trips. Flashlights or headlamps with extra batteries. Multi-tool or a Swiss Army knife. Biodegradable wipes and toiletries. A small shovel for digging a toilet hole, if staying away from established campgrounds. Lightweight, foldable chairs or mats for lounging.

Remember that the Western Desert is a vast and sometimes unpredictable environment. Always inform someone about your itinerary and estimated return time. Being prepared will help ensure a safe and enjoyable trip!

Final thoughts for Packing Guide for Egypt

Egypt, with its tapestry of ancient wonders, coastal paradises, and bustling metropolises, is a land of contrasts. Packing for such a multifaceted destination can be challenging, but with the right preparation, you can transition seamlessly from the echoing chambers of a Pharaoh’s tomb to the soft sands of a Red Sea beach.

Every artifact and alley in Egypt tells a story. By ensuring you’re well-equipped and appropriately attired, you’re not just hearing these tales – you’re becoming a part of them. Embark on your Egyptian odyssey with confidence, knowing that your suitcase holds everything you’ll need for the adventure of a lifetime.

We hope that this Packing Guide for Egypt will simplify the process of creating your packing list, making your preparations for the trip more convenient.

Safe travels and may the land of the Pharaohs leave an indelible imprint on your heart!

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